Tutorial on MikroC for PIC libraries with example on PIC16F877A microcontroller. Hardware demonstration.
Hello guy,
What you’ll learn
- You will get started with using MikroC for PIC libraries to interface various sensors and modules found in the market..
- You will learn about using LCD, PWM, ADC, UART, Software UART, Conversion and some other libraries during this course..
- You will get your hands dirty on MikroC for PIC to program PIC microcontrollers using in-built libraries..
- You will learn how to burn a program into a PIC16F877A mirocontroller to make useful projects..
Course Content
- Introduction to PIC16F877A microcontroller. –> 4 lectures • 36min.
- Downloading and installing MikroC for PIC. –> 1 lecture • 8min.
- Downloading and installing PICKIT programmer tool. –> 1 lecture • 7min.
- MikroC for PIC libraries tutorials with examples on PIC16F877A microcontroller. –> 10 lectures • 2hr 24min.
Hello guy,
This course will assisit you in understanding how you can use mikroC for PIC built in libraries to make various projects. I have given demo of using each library on PIC16F877A microcontroller. But great thing is you can use this with any other PIC microcontroller. Moreover all the mikroC software versions like mikroC for AVR, mikroC for dsPIC etc have exactly same libraries. So you will be using same techniques to program any other PIC microcontroller aswell. Inshort, this course will make you a master of making projects using PIC microcontrollers using MikroC for PIC.
This course will give you basic introduction to PIC16F877A and then we will lear about its pins configuration and then we will extract useful information from the datasheet aswell. After that we will go into how to download and install MikroC for PIC software and PICKIT programmer tool. Then we will move onto libraries section where I will teach yu about mikroC for PIC libraries. We will be convering most useful and most important all the libraries like ADC, LCD, PWM, Conversion, UART, Software serial etc.
Course Content is as under:
Introduction to PIC16F877A microcontroller.
Lecture 1: A basic introduction to PIC16F877A microcontroller.
Lecture 2: Getting to know the pin and ports confirguration of PIC16F877A microcontroller.
Lecture 3: Getting through the data sheet of PIC16F877A microcontroller.
Lecture 4: Setting up an hardware to program a PIC16F877A microcontroller.
Downloading and installing MikroC for PIC.
Lecture 5: Downloading and installing MikroC for PIC compiler.
Downloading and installing PICKIT programmer tool.
Lecture 6: Download and install PICKIT programmer tool.
MikroC for PIC libraries tutorials with examples on PIC16F877A microcontroller.
Lecture 7: Tutorial on Using ADC library in MikroC for PIC with example on PIC16F877A mcu.
Lecture 8: UART library tutorial only characters send/rec in mikroC for PIC with PIC16F877A
Lecture 9: UART library tutorial send/rec strings in mikroC for PIC with PIC16F877A.
Lecture 10: Tutorial on PWM library in MikroC for PIC with example on PIC16F877A.
Lecture 11: Tutorial on LCD library in MikroC for PIC with example on PIC16F877A.
Lecture 12: Software serial library in mikroC for PIC tutorial with example on PIC16F877A. 1
Lecture 13: Software serial library in mikroC for PIC tutorial with example on PIC16F877A. 2
Lecture 14: Software serial library in mikroC for PIC tutorial with example on PIC16F877A. 3
Lecture 15: Numbers from String to int using atoi command in MikroC for PIC on PIC16F877A.
Lecture 16: User entered numbers in String to int using mikroC for PIC atoi command.