Animate Infographics with After Effects

In this course, you are going to learn how to create animated and interactive statistics.

This is the course that is going to teach you how to create animated and interactive projects, like animated credit score mobile app mock-up, and similar.

What you’ll learn

  • Create animated graphs and graph bars.
  • Create animated infographics.
  • Engage the viewers with the content.
  • Learn how to create expressions.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 1 lecture • 3min.
  • Project One – Animated Graph Bars –> 7 lectures • 31min.
  • Project Two – Credit Score –> 3 lectures • 12min.

Animate Infographics with After Effects


This is the course that is going to teach you how to create animated and interactive projects, like animated credit score mobile app mock-up, and similar.

You should have a working knowledge of Adobe After Effects before embarking on this course.

Let’s embark on a journey of creating sophisticated, animated infographics and statistics using Adobe After Effects.

In this course, you are going to use animation techniques, shape creation techniques, and more importantly expressions to create animated infographics and animated statistics. Expressions are little bits of code that you add for it to do something for you, more details in the lessons.

In this class, we are going to work on a project, where we are going to create animated statistics using different animation techniques (as an example here, you are going to create an animated project animating statistics for plant and meat-based foods and their amounts of antioxidants).

You are going to create a project to work with it.

Create your own project and follow along. You can also create a project using your own content and I encourage you to share it with other students here so that everyone can learn from each other, share your ideas and challenges you may encounter.

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