Write a Winning Grant Application: Easy Steps and Strategies

Strategically prepare to win a grant to help you raise funds for your project or service.

Do you work with or support a charity, nonprofit or social enterprise and keen to partner with a foundation, funder or grant maker so you can start, grow or develop a program or project that makes social impact?

What you’ll learn

  • What to prepare, plan, write and evaluate when writing a grant.
  • How to manage your grants program.
  • How to write a winning grant application.
  • How to develop supporting documents such as support letters.
  • How to assess your success, and what to do when you win the grant.
  • What to know when using AI/ChatGPT when writing grants.
  • Investigate grant makers in Australia and United States.

Course Content

  • Fundamentals of good fundraising –> 5 lectures • 13min.
  • PREPARE –> 14 lectures • 34min.
  • PLAN –> 10 lectures • 14min.
  • WRITE –> 20 lectures • 1hr 20min.
  • SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS –> 5 lectures • 8min.
  • REFLECT –> 7 lectures • 6min.
  • FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS –> 12 lectures • 15min.
  • WRITE YOUR WINNING APPLICATION –> 8 lectures • 9min.
  • MASTERCLASSES –> 3 lectures • 5min.

Write a Winning Grant Application: Easy Steps and Strategies


Do you work with or support a charity, nonprofit or social enterprise and keen to partner with a foundation, funder or grant maker so you can start, grow or develop a program or project that makes social impact?

Writing a grant application or proposal takes time and skill, but you can learn these skills with some good advice and guidance…so congrats for starting this course!

This course gives you strategies and tips that I have learnt in my 30 year career writing and winning grants.

I offer some fundamental ideas and tips, some homework activities so you know what is expected of you when writing a grant application. I have also added an excel spreadsheet with 101 organisations in Australia and the United States that provide grants. This spreadsheet provides their website so you can start identifying some potential grant opportunities straight away!

This course helps people who are just beginning, or those who are most experienced and want some good templates or examples so they can develop their skills and success.

The course is mainly for those people applying for philanthropic grants, but the strategies are also useful to those people applying for government grants.

When you have finished the course, you will have planned, developed and written all the things you need for a winning funding application.

The course provides some templates. Each lesson also includes activities to complete. Like learning any skill, I recommend practice, practice, practice.

Finally, I have included some extra masterclasses, free to watch and share with your team.

I want you to win those grants so we can celebrate the social impact you are making!

Dr Ruth Knight

Social Impact Specialist

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