Automated Custom P&Ls in PowerBI with Quickbooks data

Step-By-Step build Financial Statements in PowerBI with your QuickBooks Data

I will be using a QuickBooks Desktop sample file to show you how to begin modeling your financial data in PowerBI.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn an easy way to get QuickBooks Data into Power BI that you don’t need to be a database engineer to master. Any business professional can learn this!.
  • Learn tips for setting up your QuickBooks Data in a way that will give you the greatest flexibility when you build reports in Power BI.
  • Learn the basics of how to connect data together in Power BI, beginning with your General Ledger..
  • Learn how to navigate in Power BI and how to build basic financial reports in it using your QuickBooks financial data.
  • Learn how to enhance your Chart of Accounts in Power BI so you can customize different versions of your Profit & Loss that all tie back to QuickBooks Data.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 12 lectures • 4hr 41min.

Automated Custom P&Ls in PowerBI with Quickbooks data


I will be using a QuickBooks Desktop sample file to show you how to begin modeling your financial data in PowerBI.

Starting with a Profit and Loss Statement we customize in three ways: Comparative time periods, a Gross Profit Analysis Version and an EBIDTA version.

You’d need to be an IT professional (or pay one) in order to create a set of Power BI Financial statements that has a direct connection into the QuickBooks back-end.  Whether it is QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop, when you access the data from the back-end you’ll find over 100 tables of data that need to be interrelated back together in order to yield any sensible reports!

My step-by-step method works around all that. I let the software do a lot of the work and extract the data from the front end, saving a ton of time and complexity in Power BI – getting you using the software to automate your reports FAST and EASY.

This method is something ANY ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL can learn to create and maintain. When you see how easy it is to create a completely customizable Profit and Loss statement and automate some of your complex calculations and reports, you will want to learn more. This method will give you an introduction to Power BI that delivers results right away. It will empower you with the skills to automate some of your most time-consuming tasks and give you a base to build on as you go on to learn more.