Karma Vipak

The theory of Karma made simple

This course is a much important course. Unlike the many other schools which teach karma in different names, Karma vipak is a compilation of various techniques. This course is not found anywhere but still this is one of the finest lessons one needs in their life. This course teaches you how karma flows? How karma acts? From which point does karma come back? The different types of karma and also the remedies to solve your karma. For those who are confused about what karma really is? this course gives a better understanding of how it has been portrayed in various religions.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course is a much important course. Unlike the many other schools which teach karma in different names, Karma vipak is a compilation of various techniques. This course is not found anywhere but still this is one of the finest lessons one needs in their life. This course teaches you how karma flows? How karma acts? From which point does karma come back? The different types of karma and also the remedies to solve your karma. For those who are confused about what karma really is? this course gives a better understanding of how it has been portrayed in various religions.


How did I come to the course of Karma vipak?


I was brought in Indian household where the Karma was a loaded word and had many shades and meanings. For example one of the thing about the mother’s is anomaly save it is my karma to go through suffering with you as a person and some people say it is my karma and that you have to go through pain and suffering is a strike word which is a substitution for sin and does a many shades the meaning I was very curious about the theory of Karma and started doing a lot of research in Karma. I started meditating and found Karma is a very simple theory of what you do  comes back but you have to combine it with the law of opposite. when that is very clear then it is very easy to understand the law of Karma.  now what you do outside the house comes back to you.  what you doing inside the house comes from the outside so where you do the karma it does not happen but it happens another place and other time.  that is kind of confusing for many people and I actually feel this class will help you to have a lot of clarity about the laws of Karma and how you can practically apply.


what will you learn in this course?


1. how to see karma?

2. The basics of karma

3. Type of karma

4. Karma in various aspects of life


This course will help you understand beyond that too! Learn it now and do stay in touch to learn more from our institute

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