Ultimate Energetic Protection & Practices (Accredited)

Empower Your Energy: Mastering the Art of Energetic Protection. For Empaths, Energy Healers, or Any Type of Space Holder

UPDATE: This is now an Accredited course! Upon successful completion of this course, if your intention is to add everything you’ve learned as another professional tool in your toolbelt, contact me through the email provided at the end of the course for a custom ” Energetic Protection Specialist” Certificate! As a IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine) Approved Executive Practitioner, this course has also been presented through: The Empowered Academy, which is also an Approved Executive Training Provider through IPHM.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


UPDATE: This is now an Accredited course! Upon successful completion of this course, if your intention is to add everything you’ve learned as another professional tool in your toolbelt, contact me through the email provided at the end of the course for a custom ” Energetic Protection Specialist” Certificate! As a IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine) Approved Executive Practitioner, this course has also been presented through: The Empowered Academy, which is also an Approved Executive Training Provider through IPHM.


This course is for all Empaths, Energy Healers and Space Holders: Activate & Embrace Your Energetic Superpowers With This Incredibly Powerful Energy Protection & Amplification Course.


If you are an empath, energy healer or space holder (Think coach, teacher, nurse/any first responder, counselor, hair stylist, massage therapist etc.) who feels like a sponge, constantly absorbing the emotions and energies of others, than this course is for you. Do you find yourself feeling drained, overwhelmed, and in desperate need of powerful armor to protect your sensitive soul? This Ultimate Energetic Protection Course is specifically designed to empower human beings just like you to thrive in a world filled with intense and overbearing energies.


Imagine being able to deflect energetic vampires, navigate crowded spaces, emotional situations, and even challenging client sessions with ease and grace. With this course, you’ll learn how to harness your empathic abilities and transform them into a superpower that shields you from negative energies, while still maintaining your compassionate nature.


Here’s a sneak peak at what makes this Energetic Protection Course a game-changer:


1. Empathic Mastery: This course dives deep into the unique challenges faced by empaths and energy healers. You’ll discover powerful techniques to deeply ground yourself, set strong energetic boundaries, and become impenetrable from overwhelming energies. It is finally time to say goodbye to feeling chronically drained, and hello to a life of balance and empowerment!


2. Advanced Energy Healing Techniques: Whether you consider yourself an energy healer or not, you already possess incredible healing abilities, even if you aren’t aware of it. This course takes it a step further by teaching you advanced energy healing techniques specifically tailored for empaths and people required to work closely with others. You’ll learn how to protect your own energy while still holding space for, or providing powerful healing to others. Empower yourself by amplifying the gifts you’ve already been naturally wired with.


3. Emotional Resilience: Empaths, or people who feel EVERYTHING so deeply, often struggle with emotional overload. This course provides you with tools to manage and release the emotions you absorb, allowing you to maintain emotional balance and prevent burnout. You’ll discover how to transform emotional sensitivity into a strength that fuels you to be even better at and more equipped for what you’re already doing. Amplify your genius to become unstoppable!


4. Community Support: I fully understand the importance of a supportive community. That’s why this course offers a private online group where you can connect with fellow students, empaths and energy healers. Share experiences, exchange tips, and receive ongoing support from like-minded individuals who truly understand your journey.


5. Bonus Resources: As a bonus, you’ll gain access to a wealth of additional resources, including guided meditations, energy-clearing rituals, and self-care practices. These extras will further enhance your person spiritual practice and evolution, bolster your energetic protection journey and help you maintain your balance and vitality. At the end of the course you’ll be guided through a cord cutting experience to release and remove any energetic cords, patterns, behaviors, or versions of yourself that are no longer serving your greatest and highest good.


I think it’s so important for you people to know that our empathic gifts aren’t intended to become a burden. It really is time to embrace your true calling and create a life of energetic harmony and fulfillment. I truly hope you enroll in this energetic protection course and unlock the deep potential of your empathic abilities! <3