Pencak Silat – Ciung Wanara 100% Self Defense

Learn 27 different Pencak Silat self-defense techniques

Pencak Silat is a traditional martial art that originated in Southeast Asia, with deep roots in Indonesian and Malaysian culture.

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Pencak Silat is a traditional martial art that originated in Southeast Asia, with deep roots in Indonesian and Malaysian culture.

The term “Pencak Silat” encompasses various martial arts styles and techniques, reflecting the diversity of the regions where it is practiced.

The discipline is known for its emphasis on both striking and grappling techniques, making it a comprehensive and versatile martial art. Pencak Silat incorporates fluid and intricate movements, often performed in a dance-like manner, showcasing its artistic elements.

Today, Pencak Silat is not only a form of self-defense but also a cultural heritage, often featured in performances and competitions around the world.


Inside this film, Cece, Djadjat and Iwa, present to you the effectiveness of Ciung Wanara style.


This style, born in West Java, integrates several techniques from Cimande, Kari/Madi, Cikalong, Sabandar… to make a complete style in which self defense is very predominant.

Thanks to their father, a famous expert in Ciung Wanara, who trained them from their earliest childhood, the 3 brothers can practice a very complete way of fighting in Pencak Silat.


Against one or two opponents, empty hands or with weapons, you will discover simple and effectiveness techniques.

All techniques of this video are shown under 3 view angles, normal speed or slow motion, so that you can understand and analyze each movement perfectly !

This film is a must for all fans of hard and strong self defense, where effectiveness is the master word…



27 techniques


Additional Techniques:

-Ganda 1 against 2

-Ganda 1 against 3

-Presentation of the school Ciung Wanara

-Demonstration in Garut (West Java) in 2008 with Cecep A Rahman.