Neuro Fit Upper Limb Course – Part 2

Upper Limb Exercise and Rehabilitation

Neuro Fit was conceived by Nikki Penny, a specialist neurological physiotherapist. Nikki has a unique team of Neuro Fit coaches; all neurological Physiotherapists with a specific interest in strength and conditioning along with a strong belief in the ethos of being strong and fit with a neurological condition.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Neuro Fit was conceived by Nikki Penny, a specialist neurological physiotherapist. Nikki has a unique team of Neuro Fit coaches; all neurological Physiotherapists with a specific interest in strength and conditioning along with a strong belief in the ethos of being strong and fit with a neurological condition.

This latest course includes  a review of the last three years of clinical exploration on how to help people create more force and function through their Neurological upper limbs. We will explore the shoulder within it’s kinetic chain to help build strength and stability around the shoulder girdle.

The Upper Limb course consists of 3 main areas – Mobility, Ground Reaction, Open Chain Reach.

Throughout the course you will;

– You will be able to identify the role of the upper limb within the kinetic chain.

– You will explore the benefits of training the whole kinetic chain versus isolated training.

– You will understand how we can utilise other parts of the chain to support the upper limbs role.

– You will explore the upper limb role in both open and closed chain positions.

– You will learn how the upper limb can generate force as a basis to create strength.

We hope you enjoy this latest course addition!