Master Core Stability With Breakdance Freezes

A dance workout to build a strong core and improve muscular coordination while deepening the mind-body connection.

This course is an in-depth guide to the seven basic freezes of Breakdance – an art form, movement culture, and currently an Olympic sport.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course is an in-depth guide to the seven basic freezes of Breakdance – an art form, movement culture, and currently an Olympic sport.


Freezes are the static element of Breakdancing and require core control and muscular coordination. By regularly practicing these poses, you will strengthen your muscles and improve the connection between your upper and lower body. You will also develop superhuman strength and balance, which will aid you in any fitness-related activity.

Breakdancing can seem challenging at first glance.

Learning these poses takes effort, patience, and hard work. You need to set aside time to consistently practice the freezes so your body can adapt to the demands of this workout. However, you will cultivate the traits of persistence and discipline, while teaching yourself to do hard things.


Possessing these traits gives you an unfair advantage in all other areas of your life.


Aside from cultivating these positive virtues, you will,


Aside from becoming a fitter, more resilient version of yourself, you will transform your self-image.

This isn’t a regular fitness course; it’s a vehicle for personal transformation.