Fire Watch Training Program

Become a sound and knowledgeable fire watch worker

When conducted in an environment that has the potential to create a hazardous atmosphere, hot work activities produce sparks, slag, flame, and heat that would result in large fires and explosions if not contained. Hot work activities include welding, cutting, grinding, gouging, riveting, drilling, grinding, chipping, and so on.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


When conducted in an environment that has the potential to create a hazardous atmosphere, hot work activities produce sparks, slag, flame, and heat that would result in large fires and explosions if not contained. Hot work activities include welding, cutting, grinding, gouging, riveting, drilling, grinding, chipping, and so on.

A fire watch is a person responsible for keeping everyone on a job site safe by observing and continuously monitoring hot work activities to prevent the occurrence of uncontrollable fires.

It therefore follows that a fire watch performs a safety-critical activity and thus needs to be competent in executing the role effectively.

This “Fire Watch Training Program” is designed to fulfill the requirements for knowledgeable and skilled personnel to conduct fire watch responsibilities.

In a nutshell, the course makes the learner understand fires, how they are started, prevented, and controlled. It explains the duties of a fire watch as stipulated by industry standards, best practices, and legal requirements. The course is short but comprehensive, making the learner become fully trained and empowered to perform their role flawlessly.

The knowledge you will acquire from this course will keep you and others in your organization and properties safe, thus reducing risks and liabilities.