Top 50 Burmese Verbs: Upgrade your speaking

Upgrade your Burmese by mastering all the verb tenses for the Top 50 most used Burmese verbs! Pronunciation and Speaking

Upgrade your Burmese by mastering all the verb tenses for the Top 50 most used Burmese verbs! Some Burmese learners can only use the basic verb and making their Burmese sound simple and limited. This course is designed to take you to the next level and help you master all the Burmese verb tenses so you can create and use much more complex Burmese!

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Upgrade your Burmese by mastering all the verb tenses for the Top 50 most used Burmese verbs! Some Burmese learners can only use the basic verb and making their Burmese sound simple and limited. This course is designed to take you to the next level and help you master all the Burmese verb tenses so you can create and use much more complex Burmese!

Learn and Master the Verb Tenses of the Top 50 Verbs Used by Native Burmese Speakers

Each lectures focuses on 5 sentences using the specific verb so that you can master each and every verbs with the practice.

By the end of the course, you will be able to start speaking Burmese confidently with the most common verbs. This Top 50 Burmese Verbs: Upgrade your speaking Course will continue to be updated with more video lectures and content in the future.