The Perfect Tenses Part 2. the Past Perfect Tense

The perfect way to talk about the great accomplishments of your great grandfather

The perfect tenses let you tell people what you care about! They are essential to effective communication. Learning these tenses allows you to do more than report a story. It lets you express your connection to the story you are telling.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


The perfect tenses let you tell people what you care about! They are essential to effective communication. Learning these tenses allows you to do more than report a story. It lets you express your connection to the story you are telling.

Hello and welcome to my mini-course on English grammar. In this course I teach you all about the present perfect tense! This course is the 2nd part of my series called The Perfect Tenses. I recommend that you study the first part before doing this course.

I enjoy creating courses on the English language for all learners. In this course I’ll cover the present perfect tense, when to use it, what it can mean, and how to combine it with adverbs and adjectives.

This course will answer all the questions you might have about the perfect tenses. It will show students how to add adjectives, adverbs, questions, and activities to the present perfect. It will provide lots of examples, along with assignments that will let you prove to yourself that you understand the concepts.

This course is designed for all learners but it’s helpful to have level A2 or B1 in English, before starting this course. I hope you enjoy the course and I welcome feedback on my profile.