Privacy Training – Masterclass

Privacy Masterclass: Your Roadmap to Data Protection Excellence.

Discover the intricate realm of data protection and privacy with our “Privacy Training-Masterclass” offered by Tsaaro Academy. This comprehensive course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex landscape of data privacy effectively.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Discover the intricate realm of data protection and privacy with our “Privacy Training-Masterclass” offered by Tsaaro Academy. This comprehensive course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex landscape of data privacy effectively.

Beginning with a deep dive into “Privacy and Data Protection Fundamentals,” you’ll explore the evolution of data protection legislation, with a focus on India’s journey and the enactment of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Uncover the definitions of personal and sensitive data, explore concepts of data sovereignty, and understand why organizations must adhere to stringent data privacy measures.

The course also delves into the role of a data controller within an organization, elucidating their responsibilities and the methods employed in processing personal data. Topics include understanding the criteria that define data controllers and the circumstances under which they are identified as such. Gain insights into the meticulous management of records and the paramount importance of security in data processing. Explore the pivotal role of Data Control Officers, grasp the intricacies of third-party transactions, and comprehend the significance of binding corporate rules in data governance.

The course also ventures into the world of “International Standard of Information Security, ISO 27001.” Learn how this standard facilitates organizations in establishing, maintaining, and continuously enhancing their Information Security Management System (ISMS). Embrace the technology-neutral approach of ISO 27001 and its risk-based methodology. Additionally, gain an understanding of ISO 27701, audit concepts, and the two crucial stages of the audit process – Stage 1 and Stage 2.

Further enrich your expertise with lecture on “Privacy Training,” covering essential concepts like Data Protection by Design and Data Protection by Default, and their practical benefits. Explore the intricacies of Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and how it contributes to robust data protection practices. Dive into “Data Privacy Engineering” and uncover its objectives, core areas, and the invaluable benefits it offers in crafting privacy-focused solutions.

Lastly, master the art of responding to data breaches. Discover how to identify data breaches, ascertain the motives of data breachers, and effectively navigate post-breach protocols.


By completing our “Privacy Training-Masterclass,” you will reap several benefits, including a profound understanding of data protection, enhanced compliance capabilities, and the potential to advance your career in privacy, security, or compliance roles. Additionally, you’ll be well-prepared to safeguard your organization’s reputation and data assets in our data-driven world. Join us on this transformative journey towards becoming a data privacy expert.