Bayesian Statistics: A Step-by-step Introduction

A former Google data scientist helps you master the basics of Bayesian statistics, with examples in R and Stan

This course teaches the foundational material of statistics covered in an introductory college course, with a focus on mastering the basic components of any Bayesian model – the prior distribution and the likelihood, and how to find a posterior distribution, credible intervals, and predictive distributions.  Along the way, you’ll become more comfortable with probability in general and gain a new perspective on how to analyze data!

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course teaches the foundational material of statistics covered in an introductory college course, with a focus on mastering the basic components of any Bayesian model – the prior distribution and the likelihood, and how to find a posterior distribution, credible intervals, and predictive distributions.  Along the way, you’ll become more comfortable with probability in general and gain a new perspective on how to analyze data!


We start from scratch – no experience in Bayesian statistics is required.  Students should have a strong grasp of basic algebra and arithmetic.  R and RStudio, or Python, is required if you would like to run the optional coding sections


The course includes:

You will learn:

This course is ideal for many types of students:

This course is ideal for anyone, from beginners to seasoned professionals. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting your journey in data science, looking to upgrade your existing skills, or simply have an interest in Bayesian statistics. My goal is to make Bayesian statistics accessible and understandable for all.

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