Soul Freedom

Disentangling from Unhealthy Relationships

This course is for you if you desire to disentangle from an unhealthy or toxic relationship, due to someone’s addiction, narcissism, gas lighting or abusive behavior, and you are ready to begin your journey of becoming whole, becoming the highest version of yourself, who is living their deepest desires, who refuses to settle for anything less than extraordinary.

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This course is for you if you desire to disentangle from an unhealthy or toxic relationship, due to someone’s addiction, narcissism, gas lighting or abusive behavior, and you are ready to begin your journey of becoming whole, becoming the highest version of yourself, who is living their deepest desires, who refuses to settle for anything less than extraordinary.

This is a path that focuses on high vibration emotions, gratitude, curiosity, acceptance, excitement, compassion, forgiveness. Even though this is a path to leaving unhealthy relationships, I guide you to do this in a kind and evolved way, with patience, understanding, forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others. We do not focus on the other person’s faults, anger, resentment, or bitterness etc. For so many reasons, staying in lower vibration emotions takes a toll on your mental and emotional health, but also your physical health. it will hinder your ability to create the life you truly love.

During this course you will get clear on how you most want to feel and design your life from the inside out based on those emotions. The journey has to feel the way you want the destination to feel. This is where the true power of the law of attraction lies, in feeling the way you want to feel now. Your emotions are very powerful in creating a life you love. You will become more self-aware and choose how you want to show up during this time. You will explore what living your best life and becoming the highest version of yourself looks like, and you will take aligned action to start living this way now. In life, we don’t get what we want, we get who we are being. Your life will never look any different than your container- meaning your habitual thoughts, emotions, ways of being and your current energetic field. This is the magnetic energy that is going to change your life and pull your desired future towards you. You will learn how the mind works so that you are able to move through the discomfort and challenging emotions fully and with great intention. You have to go through it to get to the other side. As Winston Churchill said “If you’re going through hell,  keep going.”

You will be designing your life from your heart and soul, taking your power back, writing your next chapter knowing that you are the predominant creator of your reality rather than letting your reality be determined by someone else’s actions. You don’t’ have control over how someone else behaves, but you do have control over what you tolerate, and how you show up and respond. You get to choose to live your life to the fullest, instead of living a fraction of a life, stuck in someone else’s pain or dysfunction. This is healing through creation. You can be hurting, healing and happy at the same time. This is a very powerful way of being. This path can take you from fear to excitement, from sadness to joy, from self-doubt to self-worth, and can take you from your head and into your heart.


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