A Job Seeker’s Crash Course

Everything you need to know to be THE BEST job seeker – taught by an HR expert.

Are you tired of applying for dozens of positions and hearing nothing back? Are you nervous that your resume isn’t a strong representation of you, or that you don’t know how to interview well? Do you ever wonder how you can negotiate your job offer and the salary, benefits, or work environment? Are you unsure of how to follow up appropriately after different interactions or interviews you have with potential employers?

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Are you tired of applying for dozens of positions and hearing nothing back? Are you nervous that your resume isn’t a strong representation of you, or that you don’t know how to interview well? Do you ever wonder how you can negotiate your job offer and the salary, benefits, or work environment? Are you unsure of how to follow up appropriately after different interactions or interviews you have with potential employers?

We dive into these topics and more in this course, taught by Dawn Sipley, an HR expert with 20 years of industry experience, 12 of those spent in staffing and hiring. After helping hundreds of companies hire thousands of employees, Dawn is an expert in what it takes to be the best job seeker and land the job of your dreams.


This course will cover:

Section 1: Resumes, Cover Letters, and Letters of Recommendation

Section 2: Navigating Job Boards

Section 3: Leveraging Social Media

Section 4: Networking – Get Off the Screen!

Section 5: Employer-Employee Fit

Section 6: Before, During and After the Interview (Part 1)

Section 7:  Before, During and After the Interview (Part 2)

Section 8: Handling Rejection

Section 9: The Art of Negotiation


Within the course, you will have access to handouts and slides, such as cover letter templates, lists of job boards and job seeker groups, and resume writing help guides.