RF Planning For Mobile Networks Design and Deployment

Learn 2G,3G,4G+KPIs+RF Capacity Planning+Data visualization+CV Preparation+Operator Team+5G Intro

In this course, the participants will get familiar with the fundamentals, network architecture and design principle of the 2nd generation(2G), 3rd generation (3G) and 4th generation (4G).

What you’ll learn

Course Content


In this course, the participants will get familiar with the fundamentals, network architecture and design principle of the 2nd generation(2G), 3rd generation (3G) and 4th generation (4G).

They will get exposure to the operating principals, resource management and the evolution path to 5th generation in terms of RF Planning principles.

you will learn from practical point of view as I will share experience from from multi operators with different team and different roles. you will gain a real particle experience in Radio Frequency design , strategy and planning . as well , data analytics and visualization skills . moreover, how to build your cv and how to scan for a job for different operators and vendors.

This course will help you to know more about telecom industry and the mobile operator different teams , in deep you will learn RF planning design and capacity planning. in addition , how to visualize your data and process using excel.


Finally I hope to join the course and hope to meet you soon.


Thanks in advance