Java Programming Course | Efficient Way to Learn

An Efficient Guide To Mastering Java | Simple and Effective

By The end of this course you will have mastered the following concepts

What you’ll learn

Course Content


By The end of this course you will have mastered the following concepts

Lecture 1:


Lecture 2:

What is Java programming?

Lecture 3:

Installing Java JDK, Visual Studio Code IDE and Configuring System Variables

Lecture 4:

Coding our first java program | Running the program using terminal and IDE

Lecture 5:

Java outputs using System.out.print

Lecture 6:

Java Comments | The type of java comments , how and when to use them

Lecture 7:

Java Variables | The types of variables , how and when to use them

Lecture 8:

Java Print Variables and Concatenation

Lecture 9:

Java Data Types | Primitive Data Types and Non Primitive Data Types

Lecture 10:

Java Numbers | Integer Types and Floating Point Types

Lecture 11:

Java Numbers | Floating Point Types

Lecture 12:

Java Type Casting | Converting From One Data Type to Another

Lecture 13:

Java Operators | Performing Operations on Variables and Values

Lecture 14:

Java Arithmetic Operators | Performing Arithmetic Operations

Lecture 15:

Java Methods | Block of Code Which Runs When Called

Lecture 16:

Java Parameters and Arguments | Passing Information to Methods

Lecture 17:

Java Method Return Values and Method Overloading

Lecture 18:

Java Strings and Java Scopes | An In depth Explanation of Java Strings

Lecture 19:

Java Math | The Mathematical Class In Java

Lecture 20:

Java IF ELSE Conditions | Java Conditions

Lecture 21:

Java SWITCH CASE Conditions | When and How to Use

Lecture 22:

Java While Loops and Do While Loops | When and How to Use

Lecture 23:

Java For Loops | When and How to Use

Lecture 24:

Java Object Orientation | Why is Java an Object Oriented Programming Language

Lecture 25:

Java Classes and Constructors | Deep Dive Into Classes and Class Attributes

Lecture 26:

Java User Inputs | Using java.util.Scanner Class

Lecture 27:

Java Packages | Java Encapsulation

Lecture 28:

Java Access Modifiers | Setting Access Levels for Classes

Lecture 29:

Java Packages | A Guide to Encapsulation

Lecture 30:

Java Inheritance | Parent and Child Classes

Lecture 31:

Java Polymorphism | When and How to use it

Lecture 32:

Java Abstraction | Abstract Classes |Data Abstraction and Data Hiding

Lecture 33:

Java Interfaces | An Abstraction Concept