Exercises in Unit Testing for Java Developers

How to write test code in a straightforward way.

This course points out the importance of unit testing, from a preventive point of view, since  it is a task that represents the intersection between software development and software testing, corroborated by a workshop with a couple of exercises using Eclipse IDE and JUnit.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course points out the importance of unit testing, from a preventive point of view, since  it is a task that represents the intersection between software development and software testing, corroborated by a workshop with a couple of exercises using Eclipse IDE and JUnit.

Indeed, JUnit allows the execution of test cases independently, using specific annotations.

Eclipse IDE provides a useful plugin called JUnit-Tools that generates test classes in a easy and fast manner.

Assertions (provided by JUnit) are essential when it comes to verifying results produced by tested methods. However, sometimes, test cases’ expected result is an Exception. JUnit, provides the necessary semantic to address this situation. It is important to note that expected and actual are two important keywords to use for variables when working with assertions.

This course is outlined as the following:


Workshops prerequisites: