Digital Forensics Investigation Process – The Big Picture

Learn the fundamentals of digital forensics, forensic readiness, and investigation processes

Dive into the world of digital forensics with this comprehensive course designed to guide you on forensic readiness strategies and investigation processes. Whether you’re an IT professional, a cybersecurity enthusiast, or a beginner, this course will equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to understand how digital forensic investigations work. You will gain a understanding of how organizations prepare for and respond to cyber incidents, ensuring effective evidence handling and adherence to legal standards.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Dive into the world of digital forensics with this comprehensive course designed to guide you on forensic readiness strategies and investigation processes. Whether you’re an IT professional, a cybersecurity enthusiast, or a beginner, this course will equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to understand how digital forensic investigations work. You will gain a understanding of how organizations prepare for and respond to cyber incidents, ensuring effective evidence handling and adherence to legal standards.

In this course, you will:

This is a theory-based course, ideal for those looking to understand the investigation process and how organizations respond to cyber incidents. No advanced technical knowledge is required, making it suitable for beginners and professionals alike.

Enroll now to gain a clear understanding of the forensic investigation process and enhance your knowledge of cybersecurity practices!