Unreal Engine 5 ByteSize: C++ Delegates

Learn C++ Delegates from our ByteSize series in the Unreal Engine

Welcome to the Unreal Engine ByteSize training series, your go-to resource for concise, focused training on specific subjects. This course delves into Unreal Engine’s C++ Delegates, designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding while keeping things short and simple. Stay tuned for more ByteSize training videos in the future!

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Welcome to the Unreal Engine ByteSize training series, your go-to resource for concise, focused training on specific subjects. This course delves into Unreal Engine’s C++ Delegates, designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding while keeping things short and simple. Stay tuned for more ByteSize training videos in the future!

In this course, you will explore the various types of delegates created by Epic Games within the Unreal Engine. We will examine their variations, parameters, and the processes involved in binding, broadcasting, and executing them. By the end of this course, you will understand the efficiency of each delegate type and how to leverage their capabilities effectively. Additionally, we will cover the predefined delegates embedded within the engine by Epic Games. These delegates automatically broadcast events during specific engine functions, such as error state shutdowns, application enters the background, and gamepad changes.

Our Extras section includes the final CleanGame project used during the course recordings. You will also have access to the SimpleGame project, a turret-based shooter that requires you to implement delegate bindings and executions. Both projects are provided in separate .zip files for your convenience.

Embark on this journey to master Unreal Engine’s C++ Delegates and enhance your game development skills. Join us in the ByteSize Training Series and take your understanding of Unreal Engine to the next level.