SQL for Financial Data Analysis & Reporting – Zero to Pro

Master SQL fundamentals and apply them to financial data for comprehensive analysis, reporting, and decision making.

Unlock the power of financial data with this comprehensive course designed for non-tech professionals.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Unlock the power of financial data with this comprehensive course designed for non-tech professionals.


All the financial data of an organization is stored in the database. Now to extract the data back for reporting and analysis is usually not considered easy by non-tech people. Most professionals are dependent on the reports that are available in the system. The best bet, you can connect a BI tool like Power BI and extract the data for analysis. However, this too has a lot of limitations.


What is SQL:

A database query tool with which you can extract any broader or specific data from the database just by writing small super-easy lines of code. No programming knowledge or database technical knowledge is required for this.  Almost anyone can do that and it will empower you in the reporting and analytics like nothing else can.

What you will learn in this course:




Who this course is for:


Money back guarantee:

This course comes with a 30 days money back guarantee. So, sign up risk free and if for any reason you are not satisfied with the course, you will get the full refund.


About instructor:

I am a Chartered Accountant from the UK with 14 years of experience. My major work has been in the accounting and finance transformation of organizations with tools like SAP and Oracle. So, I have been using SQL for quite some time. Now I run an accounting automation company.